Parish Services

Art & Environment

This committee consists of those in our parish and community who share their time and talent to provide the creative environment for the various seasons of the Church calendar.  They would be happy to have willing hands throughout the year.  The group meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM, September through June, in the Arts & Environment Room (across the gym upstairs in the Community Center).  They work on arrangements, wreaths, ribbons, and everything we need for the next liturgical season.  There are days when they do all the environmental changes to the church.  The busiest times are Holy Week and the week before Christmas, and these are the time when we need the most help.  Please come join us!

Heavenly Dusters

This is a service performed, organized, and scheduled on a monthly basis.  Approximately 10 volunteers clean the church and do necessary upkeep for use by the parish.  The time frame is approximately 2 hours and involves:

  1. Dusting Surfaces
  2. Bathrooms, emptying waste cans, cleaning mirrors, etc.
  3. Washing windows on the doors in the vestibule
  4. Using a swifter under pews
  5. Vacuuming rugs at the entrance and side doors
  6. Vacuuming carpet in the sacristy and checking bathroom located in the sacristy
  7. Periodically wiping down pews with cleaner (approximately every 3 months)

Parish School Association (PSA)

The PSA supports the efforts of the school and school board and is open not only to parents, but to all members of the parish.  Their endeavors not only support Catholic education, but help build the faith community so vital to a thriving parish.